Sunday, June 28, 2015

RC2015/07 entry – Mattel Electronics Football for the KIM -1

So my entry to the 2015/07 retro challenge will be to get a version of Mattel Electronics Football running on a MOS KIM-1 

I had an actual KIM-1 but it's gone missing at my parents home. It might have even been discarded so in the mean-time until it shows up (possibly) I purchased a clone system from Briel Systems the Micro-Kim!

I also have the 32K expansion SRAM but I don't think I'll be needing that as I'll be fitting the entire game in the 1K of RAM that originally shipped with the system.

If things go well and I have time, I might try a few other simple KIM-1 games as well.

The game will be coded in 6502 assembly. I will use DASM for the assembler and use a tool to convert the binary to  download the code to the Micro-KIM via a USB serial port.